Personal Coaching

Unlock the strength, wholeness and resilience that’s already within.

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Personal Coaching

I want a personal coach

In a world increasingly run by AI, there’s one thing AI will never be able to do: help people find themselves. FMRI brain imaging has proven what the spiritual greats have always said, each person is unique. Because no one can know you like you know yourself, we can’t tell you what’s right for your journey. But we can provide you with powerful tools to build your own personal mastery, find your path and achieve your goals. We can introduce you to the strategies that light up ‘the survival map’ in your own brain.

To be coached by Chaya is to have an opportunity to see yourself and look within in a way that taps into the Infiniti that Hashem created us to be

- Dini Reichman
Thinking woman in striped shirt considering Infiniti Personal Coaching benefits - Infiniti coahing


Many of the helping professions are expert at diagnosing what’s wrong. We’ll help you find what’s right.

A relationship of trust with a true confidante
Accelerated results
Short term wins for confidence
Long term strategies for sustainability
Building capacity to achieve your lifelong dreams
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Hundreds of coaching clients and training graduates. Nobody leaves unchanged.

Immerse yourself in an experiential learning community.

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